Who are the NC edtech bloggers?

Who are the NC edtech bloggers? Great NCTIES question tweet! I've always wanted to know the answer to that question and those Tweeting at #NCTIES14 have provided us with some great answers. Using a TweetDeck (love this online app) search column for blog OR blogger OR blogging over the last 2 days of the NCTIES 2014 Conference in Raleigh led to this list.

I took this to mean the longer form of blogging beyond Tweeting but I've included everyone's Twitter link as well. Our university student teachers need these examples and role models. My thanks to everyone for this dedication and labor of love. This provides a wonderful cross-section of the digitally literate thinking going on in our state.

If more bloggers surface, send 'em my way. I've left them in time order to give a sense of the flow and progression as news and ideas emerge over a two day conference.

My first impression is that more of this group are more active as micro-bloggers, e.g., Twitter composers, than longer form blog sites. Only a few are also maintaining Web sites or least claiming such on their Twitter home page. I wonder how this will evolve in the years ahead.

Text Channels

Out of state bloggers highlighted by Tar Heels educators

Other Media Channels

I saw few examples among Tweeters that were promoting their link(s) to channels for the non-text rest of the digital palette.

Other examples might include (with an example of the genre): still image (Flickr), audio (Podcasts), video (YouTube), 2D animation, 3D animation (Minecraft, Second Life), 3D objects (TinkerCad), or sensor/robotics/Internet of Things projects (Plant Link). That may simply be something that was not mentioned or in the rapid flow I may have missed it. Whatever the reason, it will be hard to expect such work to emerge from student activities in teacher's classrooms until we do more modeling for our learners.  We now have an infinite number of possibilities for invention and creation that are well within our educational grasp.

I'd love to add other channels that NC teachers are modeling so please send as you find them (or elsewhere that are valued).

Shortcut to this post - http://bit.ly/MQB37r


Last updated March 7, 4:22 pm


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